A: Strength: 3 X 5 Levantamiento de LOG de rodilla a hombros. B: WOD: For time 25 Power clean 75/ 40 kg 20 STO 15 T2B Estrictos 10 Wall Climb Time cap14 min. C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Skill: Atlas stone B: WOD: AMRAP 14´ 5 Atlas stone 10 T2B 15 Push up
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: WOD: 30 Kcal row 30 slam ball 30 front squat from the ground 50/30 kg 30 toes to bar 30 burpees 300 m run 30 burpees 30 toes to bar 30 front squat from the ground 50/30 kg 30 slam ball 30 kcal row Time cap 35 min B: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: WOD: 3 rondas de: 21 burpees salto en paralela 21 kb Swing 24/16 kg 21 toes to bar 21 wall ball shot 21 situps 210 m row Time cap 30 min
SEGUIR LEYENDOFin de Año en Singular box: Se hará 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4 ,1+2+3+4+5,….. 1 rope climb 2 Overhead Squat 40/20 3 wall climb 4 KB Swing 5 pullups 6 dinamic push ups 7 burpees 8 toes to bar 9 HSPU 10 Saltos over the parallel 11 pistol 12 kcal row.
SEGUIR LEYENDOChipper: 20 Deadlift 100/60 kg 30 pullups 40 slam ball 50toes to bar 20 ground to overhead 60/40 kg 30 burpees 40 thrusters 40/30 kg 50 cal row