A: Metabolic: 3 Rondas de: 50 Double unders o 1,5 min 20 Slam ball Time cap 9 min B: WOD: 21/15/9 Double Kb C&J Burpees Time cap 12 min. C: Stretch.
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Strength: 4 X 3 Shoulder to overhead, “máximo peso posible” B: WOD: 4 Rondas de: 10 m Hadstand walk / 25 shoulder tap 20 Swing Americano 10 burpees 10 n Hand stand Walk / 25 shoulder tap time cap 12 min C: Stretch.
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Skill: Slam ball B: WOD: AMRAP 20’ 20 Burpees 200m Run 20 Slam ball 200m Row 20 Double unders
SEGUIR LEYENDO“FELIX THE CAT” 6 Rounds for Time 9 Burpees 9 Box Jumps (24/20 in) 9 Pull-Ups 9 Thrusters (40/20 kg) 9 Toes-to-Bar If you have a weight vest wear it.
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Power: 4 series de: Sprint con compañero frenando + rope climb + 5 burpees Rest B: WOD: 10 min OTM 8 Plyo pushups 4 Slam ball C: Stretch.