A: Strength: RM Deadlift: B: WOD: 3 Rondas de: 10 Power clean 60/40 kg 10 Shoulder to overhead 60/40kg 10 burpees over the bar Time cap 12 min. C: Stretch.
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Skill: Hang power snatch B: WOD: For time: 20 Hang power snatch 30 Burpees over the bar 400m Run 5 Wall climb
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Strength: 4 x 2 Shoulder to overhead B: WOD: Cash in: 100 Double Unders Then 3 rounds of 8 Power clean 80/ 45kg 8 Burpees over the bar then Cash out: 100 double unders C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Strength: 4 x 30 seg farmer hold + Max tiempo Dead hand B:WOD: AMRAP 12 min: 15 Deadlift 60 kg 10 Push ups 5 Burpees over the bar C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Gymnastic: 4 X Max strict pullups B: WOD. 3 RONDAS DE: 400 m run 10 Power clean 80/ 45kg 10 burpees over the bar Time cap 12 min C: Stretch.
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Gimnastic: WOD por calidad: AMRAP 8 Min 16 Hollow rocks 8 HSPU strictos / Piramid 16 seg L-Sit B: WOD: 21/15/9 Over head squat 70 KG Burpees over the bar Time cap 12 min. C: Stretch.