A: WOD: 30 Power Snatch 45/25kg 30 Burpees Over the bar 20 Power snatch 55/35kg 20 Burpees Over the bar 10 Power Snatch 65/45 kg 10 Burpees over the bar B: CORE: Double Tabata alternando Plancha en posición neutral Plancha lateral, cada vez un lado. C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Speed: 5 x 4 Shuttle run. Apuntar mejor tiempo B: Weightlifting 4 x Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: WOD: 21/15/9 Power Snatch 50/30Kg Chest to bar OHS 50/30 kg B: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Metabolic: 4 series de: 200 m run 8 Burpees box jump over 8 DB Snatch Rest B: Weightlifting 4 x 4 Power Snatch T&G C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Strength: 5 x 3 Muscle Snatch B: WOD: 21/15/9 Power Snatch Athletic Burpees over the bar Sit ups C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Speed: 5 x 1 Cuesta sprint B: WOD: OTM 7 Min 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch C: Stretch