A: Strength: 4 x 1 Min Estatico Yugo + Max Chinups/ 8 JKumpiing Chinups. B: WOD: AMRAP 12 Min 15 KB Swing 10 Athletic Burpee over the parallel 5 Ring Row. C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Strength: OTM Durante 12 Min Atlas Stone + 4 broad Jump B: WOD: AMRAP 8 Min 15 kb Swing 10 True Push ups 5 Athletic Burpees C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Strength: 4 x 3 Push press B: WOD: AMRAP 8 Min 200 m Run 15 db thrusters 10 athletic Burpees. C: stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Speed: 4 x 2 Shuttle run desplazamiento lateral + Max Chinups B: WOD: For time: 40 hang Power clean & Jerk 40/25kg 40 Athletic burpees over the bar. 40 Sit UPS c: stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Skill Box Jump B: WOD: AMRAP 18 Min 10 Strict Pull ups 15 Kcal row 10 Box Jump 15 Atletic Burpees C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Strength: 4 x 2 Power clean and STO. B: WOD: AMRAP 8 Min 5 deadlift 120 kg 8 Atletic Burpees Over the bar C: Stretch.