A: Gymnastic: 4 x 3 Toes to bar 3 Chest to bar 3 Bar Muscleups B: WOD: 10/8/6/4/2 DB Snatch “alternando mano” Db OH Squat “La mitad con cada mano” Push ups Hand relise. C: Stretch
SEGUIR LEYENDOA: Gimnastic Complex en barra: Opción 1: 2 Toes to bar/ 2chest to bar/2 Bar MU/ 2 Toes to bar Opción 2: 2 Chest to bar/ 2 pullups/ 2 Toes to bar / 2 chest to bar Opción 3: 2 Pullups/2 toes to bar /2 Kip swing/ 2 toes to bar Opción 4: 3 Pullups […]